Steve Coops



Group Identities:

  • Aandralis – Synthetic. 078 Model, (Spelf species form) with Comms Upgrade
  • Vralyliken – Android , 141 Model (Human Species Form)
  • Uradinena – Android, 141 Model (Human Species Form)
  • Kifer – Synthetic, 185 Model (Human Species Form), Combat Upgrade
  • Synx – Synthetic, 185 Model (Human Species Form), with Sensor Upgrade
  • Nedaccis – Synthetic, 097 Model (Jlaal Species Form)
  • Ostrusal – Android/Synthetic Hybrid, 052 Model with Stealth Combat Upgrade
  • Chraniss – Synthetic (Galifi species form) 138 Model, Engineering upgrade
  • Druteaf –  Synthetic, 077 Model (Carri Species Form) with Weapons Upgrade

CLEA Classification:

  • Robot/Alien – All but Oolan
  • Alien – Oolan

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Aandra’s upgrade allows her to communicate at greatly extended distances
  • Nedaccis’s Synthetic Form is derived from a race known as the Jlaal, Though he has no major upgrades apart from his outers skins and some internal components. He is Aandra’s second in command.
  • Cypher and Ostrusal both have additional upgrade which give them greatly improved combat skills. Ostrusal is also equipped with an experimental stealth cloaking system.
  • Synx has an upgrade function that allows her to operate as a mobile sensor array.
  • Vralyliken and Uradinena are both of relatively modern generation of Myzx Androids. The are physically faster, stronger and have ultra quick decision making skills.
  • Druteaf is one of the early Synthetic Models. She is equipped with an experimental upgrade that allows her to attach a pulse beam cannon to each arm and turn herself into a weapons platform.
  • Chraniss has specialist engineering upgrades. As well as repairing the ship she can also use the skills to cripple enemy machinery.
  • Oolan – A member of the Glastegen race. Accomplished thief and has learned skills to bypass security systems.


  • Almost all the Myzx are vulnerable to EM based weapons
  • Ostrosal maybe the team’s most experienced and skilled combatant but he is from a generation that dates back to the ship that crashed on Earth (the basis of the Raiders). Any anti-Raider tactics will therefore work against him as opposed to the others.
  • Oolan is wanted for crimes by many races. Subsequently is others learn he is around he can bring unwanted attention to the group.

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Destruction of property
  • Terrorism
  • Kidnappimg


The Mannoth is the name of specialist strike team created by the Myzx Emperor following the escape of alien “bio-samples” from a research facility.

Every since the Myzx resistance movement known as the Ogla made it clear they intended to free all the slave workers, the Emperor made it his priority to destroy them. The Ogla first appeared not long after the Myzx had encountered the Eopua and suffered their first major defeat. The Myzx had almost brought the attack on themselves since they had entered Eopua protected territory and taken humans.

In the battle with the Myzx advanced fleet that followed the, Eopua energy weapons had an affect on the conditioning programming given to every “Chosen” Myzx citizen. Since the Chosen were once Myzx slaves that were given new machine bodies and made proper members of their society, the programming was put in to not only make them serve the Myzx people loyally but to also forget the race they once belonged to which were enslaved by the regime. The Eopua weapons seemed to have a particularly strong effect on some of the alien races that form the Myzx society.

Those races that were vulnerable to the side effects of the the energy weapons that survived the battle with the Eopua began to remember their old personalities. Realising they had become slave masters to the people they once belonged to they were determined to make amends. The called themselves the Ogla.

At first they caused minor disruption. Their goal was to get the Emperor to free the worker caste but the Emperor ignored them. They therefore decided a bigger message was needed and so the Ogla hit several worker colonies and freed the slaves.

The Emperor was furious and responded by destroying the colonies killing billions. He then outlawed the Ogla and had them hunted down. The few that survived the Emperor’s wrath decided it was best to continue their duties and hide in plain sight whilst waiting for the day in which they could rise up again.

For two of the Ogla, who once belonged to the proud Regla race.  fate had other plans when they were stationed at a remote research facility which house alien species in stasis. The scientists there worked on these bio samples to try and get their implants to work on new alien races with the intent on using the devices to enslave the people. At that facility several humans were being held and experimented on and it was twenty years after being taken from Earth that one of them found a means to get free.

Knowing that security would soon deal with the rampaging alien, the two Ogla decided to show themselves and come out of hiding and lend their support. Over the course of a little over an hour the trio freed many of the captives before escaping. Later on they escaped off world and then stole another ship.
(see Vanguard)

The breakout was a huge embarrassment for the Emperor and he wanted the two Ogla caught or eliminated at all costs and along with any “alien” that helped them. To this end he had, a specialist “retrieval team” formed, the Mannonth.

Since there was a good chance that the team would need to venture into Eopua controlled space which meant the mission was high risk, the Emperor decided a small group of five or seven would be selected. Any more he figured would attract attention. Therefore he only wanted the best people for the job. Military commanders reviewed countless files of suitable commanders for the mission and eventually whittled the selection down to two.

Aandralis, eventually won the role. She had been present at the attack of the Eopua and lost many under her command. More would have died but she tore up the rule book concerning tactics with dealing with the Eopua and it was those decisions in the heat of battle why her battle group was left with the most ships. Able to think how the Eopua thought was essential for the mission which was how she came to be the first choice to assemble a team.

Aandralis was given free reign on who to choose for her decided to select Nedaccis as her second in command. He had known one of the two Ogla they were hunting, Protosanular. In fact Nedaccis was the one that had trained Protosanular and helped him achieve a similar rank in the military. They wore the same military adornments and though at one time they had been different alien races, Myzx were considered one. He therefore took the betrayal personally.

Chraniss was asked to join the team. She had been the engineer on the ship under Aandralis’s last command and was the one she could most trust when it came to keeping a ship running. As per the Emperors instructions, Chraniss had to agree to volunteer for the mission but having also served under Aandralis the engineer felt duty bound to follow the one person that had saved her life by saving the ship during the Eopua attack.

Druteaf was another that had served alongside Aandralis for a long time. An excellent field leader, she had upgraded herself to learn many different forms of combat. As such she could often predict enemy tactics on the ground before her opponents had even started. Having lost many of her comrades during the Eopua attack she wanted to return the favour.

Though Druteaf was excellant in her line of work, Aandralis was concerned that there could be problems once inside Eopua space. Though many space stations and a good number of planets would not care less about them being Myzx, providing the money was good, on certain planets and the more reputable trading places that rule did not always apply. Aandralis knew that anyone with a grudge against her people could leak word back to the grey aliens and put them all in jeopardy. Staying on board a ship avoided such problems but meant there would be no way to collect intelligence about the Ogla.

After a good deal of thought Aandralis came up with a solution, one that would require subterfuge. She would add a team of “humans” to gather intelligence. Scientists, she knew had already gathered a lot of data on humans after capturing them, and was acutely aware that the Eopua would ignore them as a race. Converting four humans though was out of the question since until they had captured a race, the Myzx Empire did not “convert” aliens. She therefore sent a proposal to the Emperor that they alter a squad of existing Myzx soldiers and give them a human form. Nothing in the Myzx traditions stated they could not change the appearance of one Myzx to resemble another.

For the best chance of success Aandralis proposed modify four synthetic Myzx rather than use full androids. Full androids had  weakness to EM weapons and sometimes being hacked but synthetics which retained an organic brain had no such problems. However converting a synthetic Myzx to resemble a human was not an easy task since each synthetic Myzx retained some organic components and skeleton based on the alien race they once came from, which was why many like Aandralis had different head and body shapes.

Though completely experimental and never done before, the Emperor liked the plan, but what was being proposed was dangerous and so only volunteers would be used. Those that did volunteer and survive the process were to be rewarded greatly so it was not surprising that many volunteered. Many also died during the experiments but eventually Aandralis gained her “human” Myzx. Though they appeared human in many respects they still retained their alien personalities and so they had to spend time with some of the human captives that did not escape in order to learn what it was like to become a human. This learning took many months but eventually the four believed they knew enough to pose as humans.

With a team now complete, Aandralis headed out in a small scout ship in the direction of “Ship’s Graveyard”, the last place the Ogla and other escapees had been seen. Whether by random encounters or through conquering a race, the Myzx had acquired many alien craft. After such vessels had been studied and any useful technology taken the craft where then taken to Storage Facility XB9 or as more commonly known the “Ship’s Graveyard.” The main facility was home to abandoned ships that were not capable of atmospheric flight. Over the centuries the ships had formed a ring around a small planetoid where the main Myzx science facility was located. Here ships with atmospheric flight were abandoned and the buildings that form the main area on the planetoid was where the science teams studied alien captives. It was from this facility that the humans with the help of the Ogla had escaped.

Though she knew their quarry was long gone she had gone there for another reason, to swap her Myzx ship for an alien alternative.  Entering Eopua space in her own ship would probably have ended up being attacked on site but she figured a ship belonging to another race might be able to slip by unnoticed.

Aandralis was aware that the fugitives had taken a ship with atmospheric capabilities but did not want the type of ship. She figured that with the Eopua and unknown threats inside “enemy” territory it was wise to take a ship with more firepower.

She settled on a small but well armed smuggler ship that once belonged to the Traflagar an insectoid race. She named it the Zetoshyler which meant “Black Hunter” in Myzx language. A large ship was out of the question since the team was small. Work crews were brought in and supervised by Chrannis to upgrade the ship with the latest Myzx tech.  All this took time and as the delays started to mount, Aandralis grew impatient to get under way. In the end Chrannis offered a compromise and suggested once the basic were done she would finish the remaining work but that meant that the ship would not be fully combat ready by the time they reached the Eopua border. Andralis accepted the compromise, hoping that the Traflagar ship would be able to sneak past. To sell the idea, Chrannis installed hologram overlays on the communcations interface so when hailed by another ship they would “appear” on screen as the correct race that previously owned the ship.

By the time they reached the Eopua border, Chrannis had nearly finished the upgrades. Though they now had particle beam weapons Aandralis preferred not to test them on the Eopua. Trying to avoid their patrols and slip over the border was not easy and involved a game of cat and mouse for several frustrating weeks.

Feeling that the fugitives were getting further and further away she reached the point of considering having to attack an Eopua patrol to continue. That option though changed when instead of using force to get over the border someone else managed to escape Eopua space without them seeming to notice.

Curious Aandralis pursued the small ship and disabled it. On board she found an alien called Oolan. She did not recognise his race but that would not be unusual if he came from inside the Eopua territory. He claimed he was a trader and appeared weak and submissive so Aandralis thought she would threaten him to get information. She demanded to know what technology he had for sneaking past the Eopua and he said he had none. He just had accurate timings and knew how to avoid the patrols. Not trusting this, Chrannis and the group went over to Oolan’s ship to see if it had and special cloaking technology.

Whilst they were gone, Oolan tried to steal their ship but the systems would only respond to Myzx physiology. Having been taken for a fool Aadralis threatened to kill him unless he explained exactly who he was and why he tried to steal their ship.

Oolan had no choice but to come clean and admitted he was a thief and had stolen the vessel he had been piloting whilst trying to escape numerous races that had found him guilty of their laws. Over the past several years he had stolen many ships in a bid to keep one step ahead of his pursuers. Now outside of Eopua space he had wanted their ship so that he could once more throw the scent off him.

Having lost the fascade of being a simple trader, Aandralis again pressured him on how he got over the border undetected. This time he seemed very keen on stating that his race excelled at mathematics and could identify patterns. That allowed him to become an excellent thief since he could learn the likely time when a hole would appear in a security screen.

Oolan then offered Aandra to sneak her ship across the border if she let him go. She felt she could not trust him though and gave him a counter offer.  Since he knew how to get in and out of planetary systems in the Eopua galaxy she was wanted Oolan as their guide on the mission. The alternative was she simply killed him as he was now a security threat. He took the deal, albeit intending to sneak away when right moment arrived. Now with a guide to the Eopua controlled territories, Aandralis resumed her hunt for the fugitives.

A few weeks later the ship gained another crew member, this time a warrior who had been embarrassed by the Vanguard team. His name was Ostrusal and had been a most dangerous warlord that was wanted on many worlds. Having had his criminal empire disrupted by the Ogla and humans Aandralis was hunting he wanted to ally with her. What he neglected to tell her was that he was being actively sought by Galaxy Force and had figured that in gaining a powerful group of friends he could gain some valuable protection.

Eventually the Zetoshyler would take the Mannoth to the home world of the humans and more than once but on each occasion her quarry had left.

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