Steve Coops

Viktor Schroder




  • Viktor Schroder

Asset of:

CLEA Classification:

  • Vampire

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • All positive aspects related to vampires
  • Strong organisational and tactical skills


  • All negative aspects related to vampires
  • Hunted by vigilantes and the vampire Houses alike

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Murder
  • Assault
  • Violent assault


Viktor was once a long standing and loyal member of the Forstner House. In the hundred and fifty years with them he actually managed to earn a position as an Elite Advisor, a member of the Inner circle. It was whilst in close proximity of the Elders that he slowly became disillusioned by them and the way that those lower down were often regarded as worthless.

This led to him becoming angry and he actually tried to overthrow the Elders. Before the plans could be put in place, the Elders learned of what him and his group were up to and had them all captured but he escaped the net. His fellow conspirators received a death sentence and he was then considered an enemy of the Coven. This meant that no other Covens would dare give him safe refuge.

Viktor though was both resourceful and strong. Outside of Vampire Society he flourished and did as he pleased. Whenever anyone came for him he simply killed them and then drank their blood. Though vampire blood did not provide sustenance he could learn what his killers knew through the “blood memory”. Drinking their blood was also a way in which he could leave “a message” to the Covens that they could not get rid of him so easily.

It was for these qualities that Natasha Orlov wanted him in her organisation to topple the Elders. This was a desire he wanted himself so he did not take much convincing to become a partner in the League of Blood.

Serwa Gbeho



  • Serwa Gbeho

Asset of:

CLEA Classification:

  • Vampire

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • All positive aspects related to vampires
  • Highly skilled killer


  • All negative aspects related to vampires
  • Hunted by vigilantes and the vampire Houses alike
  • Uncontrolled rage

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Murder
  • Assault
  • Violent assault


Serwa was once a member of the House of Biobaku. There she served in the Coven security ranks. Already a violent individual before she was turned, the blood lust amplified those emotions. This was what made he an effective hunter of renegade vampires. The only problem was the more she killed her negative urges increased. As well as finding pleasure in violence she also started to enjoy inflicting pain and suffering in others. When working security there were regular incidents in which she had to be removed from interrogating a suspect simply because she started to become less interesting in getting information and more focussed on torturing the suspect.

Her fall from grace came when she was rude to one of the House Elders who chastised her. Serwa flew into a range and attacked and had to be restrained. Whilst being held for attempted murder of an Elder, a death sentence for a vampire, she tricked her guards and escaped.

Natasha had heard of Serwa, and despite the rogue’s notoriety, felt the League of Blood needed a strong warrior like her. Tired of having to deal with people that came after her, Serwa accepted the invitation to become a partner in the League. Despite her uncontrollable nature she had found a way round it, by directing all her negative urges at the League’s enemies.

League of Blood


Organisation Classification:

  • Renegade Vampire Group

Organisation Leaders:

Organisation Activities:

  • Assault
  • Attempted Murder
  • Kidnapping and false imprisonment

Organisation Weakness(s):

  • Hunted by vigilantes and the vampire houses

Known Assets:

  • Renegade vampires and vampires that had been expelled or chosen to leave their own houses


The League of Blood was formed by Natasha Orlov. She had been an Elder with the House of Orlov Coven but her husband did not enjoy sharing power and so he fabricated evidence to make it look like she had betrayed the vampire race. Sentenced to death, she survived in part due to the fact that she had friends within the Coven.

Angry at being treated in this manner, she decided that is Elders could break the rules and change them as and when it suited then they were no longer acting in the best interest of their race. Therefore it was time for all the Elders to be taken from their privileged position, particularly those that clone new bodies for themselves.

Unable to do the work alone she decided to form the League of Blood and set out to recruit the renegade vampires with similar views. In time she found Viktor, Serwa and Kabir. All had been cast out of their Houses and all had become “public enemy number one” as far as the Elders were concerned.

With them acting as leaders, they were able to attract other renegades and built a small army at which point they started targeting assets belonging to each of the Houses. Anything that disrupted their operations was worthy of attacking. Without the Houses to support them those with the League of Blood had no supply of food which meant they had to attack ordinary people. Such actions would draw attention to vampire society and so all the Houses were unanimous in the decision that the League of Blood needed to be crushed.

Despite years of effort on the part of the Houses they have yet to succeed in eradicating the rogue organisation. Likewise the League of Blood has failed to accomplish what it set out to do. This led Natasha to leave it and join the Circle who she believed had the means to take down the Houses and break the stalemate.

One unusual aspect of the League is the fact that the members use their “old” family names. Normally Vampires take on the house name as their “family” name so when a vampire joins the League he or she reverts their name back to what they were once known as.






  • Hauler – Blake Slattery

CLEA Classification:

  • Vehicular Lifeform
    The glow around his human “appearance” belies his true nature. Not being from our “Earth” he has a unique purple aura.

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Has the ability to bond with other vehicles


  • Cannot survive for any length of time without a host vehicle
  • Vulnerable to EM pulses

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Robbery
  • Theft
  • Assault


Blake Slattery is another one of the individuals that made it to our world during the “Breach Day” event. On his world there are many vehicular lifeforms and he had become a petty criminal. Wanted for his crimes, he was being chased by police when the breach point opened within a few hundred feet of his location. Thinking it was fate intervening on his behalf he headed through it to our world. The breach closed behind him allowing him to escape justice.

In our world he discovered that there were not that many vehicular lifeforms and with little competition he decided to take advantage of the situation and began hiring himself out as a mercenary. This is how CLEA has learned of him for he is always selling his services to organised crime and consequently finding his way onto the news.

Unlike other vehicular lifeforms that are bonded to one vehicle he has an advantage in that he can jump from one to another. His favourite choice is articulated vehicles hence his code name.

Delta 6


Team Identities:

  • Penelope “English Rose” Hill (lead vocals/violin)
  • Hajun Kang (keyboards/Backing Vocals)
  • Roulan “Orchid” Lau (Saxaphone/Trumpet/Vocals)
  • Miranda Flores (percussion)
  • Linford Simpson (Rhythm Guitar/Backing vocals)
  • Aidan Berlin (Bass Guitar/Backing vocals)

CLEA Classification:

  • Avatar User

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Each of the team possesses 1/6th of the Music Avatar Totem. As such they each have similar magical abilities. Alone each of them are quite powerful but together they are greater than the sum of their parts and give them these powers:-
    • Mind Control – Hajun, Roulan, Miranda and Penelope, hypnotic sounds can subdue opponents.
    • Sonic Blast – Linford, Roulan (trumpet only), Aidan and Penlope (violiong only) can generate a directional sound wave which can be sourced vocally or amplified via use of instruments.
    • Shockwave Blast – Miranda and Hajun, similar to above only it is omnidirectional
    • Sonic Sight – Penelope and Roulan can used high pitched vocals to create a “picture” of their environments using a form of echolocation.
    • Sonic Field – All, Totem can generate a protective bubble.


  • Magic can be countered/neutralised by other magic

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • N/A


One of the most powerful known Avatar Totems known to have existed was the much fabled “Harmony” Totem. Like most artefacts of its type it required “recharging” in order to create its magic and the Totem thrived on music and dance. The magic it gave its host was similarly music and dance related.

Throughout history there were legends of musical instruments causing great catastrophes or enthralling people in a from of hypnosis which would bend the will to whomever was playing. All were thought to have been the actions of whomever was acting as the host for the Harmony Avatar.

Such was the world changing threat the Totem possessed the Order of Observers decided to split the Totem to reduce its potential and through their actions, one Totem became six. However unlike other Avatar Totems that had been split the Harmony Totems seem to have been left with a strange ability to resonate with each other meaning that if they were brought together they would start acting as one. When the Order realised this they scattered the six Totems as far and wide as possible.

Possessing only a weak power each of the Totems on its own only had the potential to “enhance” its Host. Like most Avatar Totems they required “recharging” and that meant they needed their host to give them what they wanted. Consequently throughout history the Totems would always end up in the hands of someone with musical skills whereupon they would turn them from good to great. Some of the greatest composers known to history are believed to have been  inadvertent hosts for the Harmony Totems, and since the actual Totems could change form they would become whatever their host needed them to be.

Demons and evil magic wielders were always hunting for Totems to increase their power and Avatar Totems were the highest prize. In modern times after much work the Demon Empaot managed to locate the hosts of all six Harmony Totems were.  The actual hosts were well known in society for all six were amongst the top musicians of their generation. Simply killing them and taking the Totems was not going to work well for Empaot as it would draw too much information. She therefore decided to play a long game and hopefully bring all six totems together and once she claimed them all then she would have the power of the original.

The first Totem she located was in the hands of the lead singer and violin player, Penelope Hill of a British band known as “Union Back”. Her Totem had “transformed” itself into a violin box which was never far  from her when she was singing.

The next she identified as belonging to an American Bass  guitarist with a group of cousins all belonging to the Berlin family. Aidan Berlin had acquired a golden plectrum that made him play the bass guitar like nothing anyone had heard before.

Roulan Lau was in possession of the another Totem. This had “disguised” itself as the mouthpiece for a saxophone and made her a leading player. She was that well renowned that she would often be asked to attend concerts and play with some of the top bands.

One of the hardest Totems, Empaot identified was in possession of Rock Drummer, Miranda Flores from the band “Serpent”. Her Totem had disguised itself as a drumstick. Though an unbelievable player, Miranda often shied away from the limelight and only took credit along with the other band members. This was why the Demon had not really noticed her.

By comparison the pianist/keyboard player Hajun Kang was a lot easier for Empaot to find. He always had sell out concerts and was often involved in projects working with other artists. His totem actual had taken the form of a necklace which was unusual as all the others were directly connected to music.

Lastly Empaot found Linford Simpson, the lead guitarist with “The Chess Kings” a prominent rock band. Like Aidan he had “discovered” a golden plectrum and once he had it his playing improved no end. The Demon perhaps had noticed him as there were rumours in the music industry the the rest of the band had grown annoyed with Linford for his fame and talent outshone their own and they had become quite outspoken. Though they were jealous they made the excuse that he was putting himself before the band which is why there was a lot of ill feeling.

Having located all of the Harmony Totems Empaot put her plan into action and took on the mortal form of a human female. She became “Emma Potts” a mogul in the music industry and met each of the musicians in turn. She then presented them with the idea of building the greatest rock band ever. Though some had strong loyalties to their bands, Empaot manipulated situations to ensure that all six would become part of her project.

The formation of the band called “Delta 6” set the music industry on fire. Within hours of announcing the line up and world tour the tickets were sold out. Still not wanting to act suspiciously Empoat let the band play for half the tour, and then  she planned them to meet with tragedy by crashing the plane they were on. Once the hosts were dead and there were no witnesses  she would then take the Totems for herself.

However assembling the band and manipulating its members out of their existing contracts in such an unusual manner alerted Harman and Irmina to the presence of dark magic. When Empaot tried to cause the plane crash they intervened. Having cloaked themselves from the Demon they had boarded as part of the security team. As soon as Empaot made her move, they made theirs and sent her to the Dark Realm. Though they knew their actions were temporary they bought enough time to save the plane.

The Wizard and Witch then brought the band members and themselves into a limbo timeless pocket universe and explained to the band all what had actually been happening. Though they did not believe in magic, the pair proved its existence by showing them the true form of the Totems. They then told them that their manager was a Demon and would stop at nothing to get her hands on their Totems and there would be others coming from them. When asked by the band how they could escape what was coming Harman explained that there were only two outcomes, death of they learned how to recharge and learn their Totems. Since they were in a limbo realm they had all the time they needed.

By the time the pair released the band to the normal realm they had received enough basic training to deal with Empaot when she returned. Working together they nearly vanquished her and would have succeeded had the Demon not chosen to flee. Harman and Irmina had been tempted to intervene but they knew the Band members had to learn how to stand on their own.

Though one Demon was gone, the Band knew from Harman’s warning others might come. Having had their lives saved, they wanted to join the fight against evil, basically to eradicate it before dark entities could do the same. However as they were famous they knew they could not simply run around fighting evil. Harman made two suggestions. The first was that they kept working as a Band, since that would get them around the world which was a useful cover for fighting evil. Secondly he offered to give them a cloaking spell so people would not recognise them when they so chose. Though they started out looking for dark magic users in time they have used their totems to fight other types of evil doers.

With Harman and Irmina’s help, the greatest rock band the world has ever seen was become some of the greatest crime fighters of all time. Unlike other heroes known around the world, very few people are aware that Delta 6 is anything other than a group of talented musicians.




  • Empaot

CLEA Classification:

  • Demon

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Full spectrum of demonic powers
  • Extremely skilled in avoiding detection in the mortal realm through use of magical disguises


  • Light Magic

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • N/A


Empaot is one of the mid ranking Demons. She is also one of the younger Demons that and through the consumption of human souls has developed certain emotional interests that are not normally associated with her kind. Rather than playing the game of collecting souls to compete with others, she has chosen to ignore the agreement between the Light and Dark realms and desires to build an “empire” in the mortal realm and choose to live there as their queen.

Though her ultimate goal is to take over the mortal realm Empaot cannot hope to succeed in that goal without first finding a way of protecting herself from being vanquished by Angels. To this end she has made many attempts to protect herself by trying to acquire the most powerful magical objects, namely Avatar Totems. Despite her best efforts she has been thwarted on each and every occasion due to the strong bond between host and totem.

Her biggest and most elaborate failure resulting in the formation of Delta 6. She knew that six musicians each had a piece of the  extremely powerful “Harmony” Avatar Totem together. Empaot wanted to try and unite all the pieces together and so posed as Emma Potts, a rich manager in the music industry. Her goal was to poach all six from their respective bands and then once they were in one place she intended to kill them. Then she figured she would take possession of their Totems and make them whole again.

Since each member of the band only had one sixth of the potential power she did not really fear any of them. She was well aware that the Totems were depleted and needed to be  recharged. So weak was their magical energy that though the band members were Avatars they were unaware of the fact.

Empaot’s only mistake was down to the fact that the Totems still had enough magic left to protect their hosts. Her plan to kill them failed and at the same time drew attention to herself. The band was then visited by a Harman and Irmina who saved them from their fate and informed them of their destiny and taught them how to recharge their totems. At which point they turned on Empaot and nearly vanquished her.

From then on she has been forced to keep her plans more low key.

Harman and Irmina


Team Identities:

  • Harman Garrick
  • Irmina Boerch

CLEA Classification:

  • Magic Wielder

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Harman – Specialist in Light and Natural Magic
  • Irmina – Specialist in Dark Magic


  • Unfamiliar with modern time frame
  • Target for Demons and evil magic users

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • N/A


Despite his looks Harman is in fact an eighteenth century wizard

In his youth he was an extremely powerful wizard and along with several others (including Irmina) had combined magic helped several Great Beasts adopt human forms thus allowing most of the Legendary Creatures and Darklings to hibernate whilst others called watchers walked amongst humans, waiting for the time to awaken their respective races, when either mankind was not a threat or had wiped itself out. In return for helping the Great Beasts, those involved in the task were rewarded with natural magic that would give them great longevity, but not immortality.

Later in life he decided to join the Order of Observers (not to be confused with the Watchers who are human form Great Beasts). The Orders were a specialist group of mystics who specialised in maintaining the balance between good and evil. Though most people would think a world without evil would be good, the Observers perceive that without evil being present then people would no longer progress since without struggle there can be no progress. Likewise if there was too much evil then death and destruction would end the human race, therefore a balance was needed.

The most dangerous threat to the balance between good and evil was Magical Items ending up in the wrong hands and the most dangerous of there were Avatar Totems. Over the centuries the Observers had managed to try to adjust fate so the “correct” people ended up with Avatar Totems and if they were too powerful then they had ways and means to divide the power of an Avatar Totem, albeit that usually involved sacrifice. Over time such acts whittled down the order until only a few remained.

The last of them known to have done this was  Burkhard Morgade and after he vanished it signalled the end of the line for only Harman remained and trying to recruit others had been to no avail. Knowing that when he was gone there would be nobody to continue his work, Harman decided that before he passed he would do the world a final favour and track down a “lost” set of Avatar Totems known as the Elementals.

As an Observer he had spent all his life trying to find the four Totems without any luck. What did not help matters was that there were no historic records, only stories. Legend had it that for five hundred years the Totems had caused all sorts of problems due to the fact they were actually linked to each other. Other Avatars did have similar links but the Elementals controlled Air, Water, Fire and Earth and the destruction they could create was immense so a rogue Angel decided to visit the mortal realm and sacrifice herself to separate all four Totems from their human hosts. Such an act would lead to her death since even an Angel could not control all the power but the legends stated that before she succumbed she buried the Elemental Totems.

After decades of looking for them, Harman came across a passage in an old manuscript that he believed gave him the location of their hiding place, and he got lucky when he found them in a cave in Germany. As soon as he approached the Totems he felt their power and was forced to retreat before he became tempted to bond with them.

Realising that in exposing them the the Avatars would attract a new host, he knew that he had to move quickly. Unable to avoid the temptation if he got too close, he reunited with Irmina Boerch. She was a powerful with that specialised in Dark Magic. However she only used her gifts for good itent and having “worked” with her before Harman knew he could trust her. Returning to the cave they constructed a magical container that would isolate the Totems from themselves and thus avoid temptation. However he was by now aware that both the Warlock Council and the Witches Coalition had become aware of the discovery.

Knowing if either group got the Totems then the world could be in jeopardy as evil would have unimaginable power, Harman and Irmina decided that they could not run with them so the only way to stop the power falling into the wrong hands was to give it to new hosts. However there was a chance that such hosts would not be much better than the Coalition or Council. Irmina therefore suggested that the best course of action would be to find a host for each Totem in turn but as soon as they started bonding with the Totem they should place them in a magical sleep. By doing that, the bonding process would stop the Avatars “calling” for a new hosts and thus the Council and Coalition would not be able to find them, and by placing the hosts in a magical sleep they would not be able to use the power either.

The pair did this and though they knew they were duping the hosts into receiving great power, only for them to be imprisoned in a deep sleep, Harman and Irmina felt they had no choice. For greater protection the pair spread the Totems as far as possible around the world and one the last host was asleep Harman and Irmina decided to add a last line of defence. They linked their magic via a tracer spell and then put themselves in a magical stasis that could only be broken when one of the Elemental Totems went active.

They slept for five hundred years before a team performing geological drills in a Norwegian Glacier awoke the Air Elemental. After escaping the tracer spell went active. It awakened Harman and Irmina but at the same time due to the link it alerted the Elemental. She by then was already looking for them and in the process was also waking the other Elementals. Though the world was nothing the recognised they were more interested in revenge.

Of course Harman and Irmina were also awakened when the  Air Elemental was disturbed and it was  very easy for them to find the Elementals due to the destruction they were causing.  Though the pair stood little chance against the combined forces of the Elementals they tried anyway and were nearly annihilated until Harman apologised and appealed to the human side of them. Pointing out that they were once good people which is why they were chosen as hosts he begged them to stop hurting innocent people and making them pay for his choices.

Amazingly the Elementals backed down and accepted the apology and agreed in future to use their great power for good but also warned him that if he ever tried to turn on them in future he would not walk away the next time.

With the threat over, Harman and Irmina now had a whole new world to try and understand and find a way to fit in. Though time had moved on there were still magical threats to contend with so they were not without purpose . Finding a “job” was interesting but the pair used what they had to their advantage and became eighteenth century history teachers.




Team Identities:

  • Air – (White) Astrid Haakonsson
  • Fire – (Red) Leonor Guerrero
  • Earth – (Green) Ekene Ogodugo
  • Water – (Blue) Chiyo Fukushima

CLEA Classification:

  • Avatars

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Air Avatar – Control air currents, winds etc.
  • Fire Avatar – Generate Fire, anything from a small flame to an entire forest fire
  • Earth Avatar – Move and shape earth, open chasms, create mountains etc.
  • Water Avatar – Control water in all its forms


  • Specific pairs can neutralise each other if tricked into attacking the other one. Air and Earth oppose each other and Fire and Water cancel each other out.
  • Have difficulty in keeping their human emotions in charge

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Destruction of property
  • Manslaughter


The Elemental Totems are amongst the top most powerful magical artefacts. Legends state that the Elementals as they were collectively known wreaked havoc for half a millennium before a rogue Angel decided to visit the mortal realm and put a stop to the death and destruction by extracting the  Totems from each of the hosts. One entity though could not hold onto the power  and before it consumed the Angel she hid them where she believed mortals would never find them. With a host the power could never be used.

However after many many centuries the wizard Harman, and last member of the Order of Watchers actually found the Totems. Unable to approach them or protect himself from the temptation of power, he got help from a witch called Irmina. Together they built a case with magical seals that could contain the power of all four Totems.

There was a problem though. The Warlock Council and Witches Coalition had learned of the discovery due to the fact Totems could sometimes “call” for new hosts. Both groups  wanted the power of the Elementals. Realising they could not run for ever Harman and Irmina decided the only way to prevent the Totems ending up on the side of evil was to give them to new hosts. In doing that the Totems would no longer call once bonded with a human. To stop the humans using the power they had been given afterwards they secretly planned to place all four hosts in magical stasis whilst they were bonding.

As an added precaution the decided to distribute the four Totems as far away from each other as possible. The Air Totem was given to  Astrid Haakonsson and as she bonded with it they sealed her in a glacier.  In Africa the gave the Earth Totem to  Ekene Ogodugo and when she was going through the bonding process they sealed her in artificial chasm below the ground. Next Chiyo Fukushima in Japan was given the Water Totem and they imprisoned her in an underwater cave. Lastly the pair travelled to South America and gave the final Fire Totem to Leonor Guerrero and buried her in a volcano. With the threat now contained Harman and Irmina placed themselves in a magical sleep, to be awakened in the event that any of the Elemental Totems became active.

Five hundred years past and a geological team visited the glacier in Norway and performed a series of ice bores, one of which by chance perforated the chamber where Astrid was “sleeping” awakening her from her slumber. Finding herself enclosed and now sure  where she was but pretty sure the wizard had something to do with it she decided to make her escape.

As the Air avatar she did not need to learn how to use her Totem for she was one with it so the use of magic was instinctive. Expanding the air in the chamber, she created a crack that expanded to an opening to the surface. Using air currents to support her she rose to the surface and saw a group of strangely dressed and startled people. They seemed to have gear and items that to her seemed like magic so she demanded they tell her where the wizard and witch were but they appeared dumbfounded.

Since they could not help she chose to leave and find someone who could tell her where the pair that imprisoned her were hiding. She knew from her Totem that the pair had placed a spell on it to alert them of the fact she had escaped but they were nowhere to be found. Flying over modern cities she quickly discovered that time had moved on and after finding out how long she had been trapped Astrid was getting angry. There was a chance that the target of her wrath was actually dead after all this time but she did not beleive it as the spell would not ordinarily have activated in that instance.

Though she thought that she could defeat them alone, Astrid considered that if she had been trapped then the others she could “feel” were also trapped. The Totems were linked so she knew there were others like her. Using those feelings she was able to home in on them and in time freed, Ekene, the Chiyo and lastly Leonor. Once they learned how they had been treated, all four Elementals had the same desire for revenge.

Their appearance though had been noticed and heroes had come to investigate the quartet. Not sure if the people chasing them were friend or foe led to them lashing out. Their combined power was devastating but they did not kill those that had come after them for they were more interested in Harman and Irmina.

Growing in anger they eventually decided to force their jailers to come to them and started attacking the Europa mega city, raining down destruction. Harman and Irmina then found them and at last the quartet would get their revenge. Harman and Irmina put up a good but futile fight. Before they finished Harman off he apologised and begged for mercy explaining that he had locked them away to prevent their power being used by evil. He also asked them to stop hurting innocent people for they were not the ones responsible for imprisoning them.

The statement struck a chord with the group and for they first time they took a good look at the devastation they had caused. When Harman told them they were once good people and he had not wanted their power in the hands of evil, they realised in seeking revenge they had played into the hands of evil. Though still angry the Elementals agreed to stop and let Harman and Irmina leave.

Now in a world they did not understand and having made the people think they were enemies the Elementals had both a hard time in trying to learn what they had missed and put their past behind them. They then chose to use their magic for good but it would take the people a long time to learn to trust such powerful entities that once tried to decimate a city. Through perseverance they succeeded, and have become members of a rather small group of people who have been displaced from time.




  • Midnight – Mandy Atkinson

CLEA Classification:

  • Assassin/Skilled Human

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Expert in a variety of weapons from blades to small firearms
  • Skilled in hand-to-hand combat


  • Ostracised in the criminal community so has no support outside the cartel, only enemies

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Murder
  • Attempted Murder
  • Assault


A one time government agent turned mercenary and then assassin, Mandy made the one mistake and that was to accept a contract on another crime boss. Though she succeeded in her goal she underestimated his allies and that made finding work impossible since most people would not hire out of fear of reprisals or simply wanted to kill her and claim the bounty on her head. Well many tried at least.

Only one person she knew would not take that bounty and that was Boomslang. In the past they had met and Mandy had saved her life and “was owed one”. Tired of running Mandy called in her favour and Boomslang arranged for a meet with Doug Claremont.

Unlike the people who wanted her dead, Doug actually admired her audacity, to take down a crime boss and “go against the rules”. He felt his cartel could need someone with a vicious streak and so hired her. However he keeps her on a short leash since he can never be sure if she would turn on him. In one sense that possibility has actually ensured he keeps himself sharp and ready for anything so he likes to have her around.



Asset of:


  • Sachra

CLEA Classification:

  • Half Demon

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Can transform into a part demon form
  • Claw strikes can spread a dark magic “disease” which disables enemies
  • Tail can be used as a weapon
  • Immune to Fire
  • Rapid healing
  • Superhuman strength and agility
  • Gain power through instilling fear in mortals and/or consuming blood


  • Light Magic artefacts can burn her as well as “pure” water

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Assault
  • Murder


Sachra is the child of a Witch and a Demon. Unlike other mixed “magical” parentages which often end up with one of them trying to “use” the other, the relationship between her parents, though evil was at lest amicable. Her mother knew that in return for serving a Demon she would be greatly rewarded and in return for this prepared Sachra from an early age to do his bidding on Earth.

This came into effect when she was twenty one and she started gaining followers for her father and lining up individuals who would be susceptible to make deals. She did this without actually changing into her Demon form. Her father had insisted she never use that part of her, not because he was concerned about her well being or thought she would be a threat but because he knew if she embraced the Demonic part of her she might lose focus on the work he wanted her to do.

Since the angels were unable to interfere Sachra continued supporting her father without an trouble. The one thing she had never considered was that another Demon would consider him a threat and vanquish him as a means to eliminate a powerful opponent in the Dark Realm.

Without his regular visits things started to fall apart very quickly. The Witch Hunter had been tracking her mother for some time but had not struck as she was protected by a Demon. With that threat gone her mother was killed next, leaving her alone. Sachra was filled with fury and hate, and for the first time allowed that to transform her into her Demon form. That gave her real power and a lust for blood at the same time.

Now wanting revenge, she decided to make people pay for her loss, despite the fact they were not responsible for her loss. The fear she generated in people actually boosted her power more. That though would not sate her rage so she started attacking people, causing them pain and suffering and eventually resorted to  consuming their blood.  Since she was part human, consuming the blood of mortals was not necessary for her survival, but once she started the added power it gave her made it quite addictive.

Her main problems then started when certain individuals were not intimidated by her and that was when she found that modern weapons could hurt her. Wherever she went the longer she stayed in one place she would reach a time when she was unable to obtain blood as mortals would organise themselves and retaliate meaning she had to flee.

This grew tiring after a while, and then she heard of the Blood Clan. Such a place would give her all the blood she wanted and an opportunity to vent her fury. Actually finding it was harder than getting accepted for they were only too happy to make her one of the Elite.