Steve Coops

Savage Fang


Asset of:


  • Savage Fang – Ariana Castillo

CLEA Classification:

  • Werewolf

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • All Positive attributes associated with Werewolves


  • All Negative attributes associated with Werewolves

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Assault
  • Murder


Savage Fang (not to be confused with Savage Claw) was the second Werewolf to become a member of the Blood Clan Elite. At the age of sixteen she was taken to the Lair to be readied for her first transformation. The Elder members of her pack had to try and teach her to control the animal urges. With Ariana they failed.

After her first transformation she seemed enthralled by the power her animal side gave her and the urges appeared in the most feral way. In a bid to protect the secrecy of the pack they actually ended up caging her. The Alpha felt that if she was free and any time, she would hunt  people and they would be exposed.

He turned out to be right, for the first time  one of the other pack members made a mistake and fell for her charms, she escaped the cage and the lair and then went on a hunting spree. To protect themselves and people, the pack had no option but to try and eliminate her but they were  unable to do so. They did succeed in chasing her out of the area which was the best compromise.

From then on  Ariana would travel to places which had the most challenging prey. The adrenalin of the hunt was like a drug to her but in time she drew too much attention and   mystical hunters started to track her. With options fast running out and nowhere to hide she headed for a place she had heard of, a place where mystical blood creatures were safe, the Blood Clan.

Though her arrival upset the only resident Werewolf Jaeger Claw, he eventually accepted her in the Elite.  Whilst members of the Clan would ordinarily be considered as a meal, she knows that is not permitted but the same does not go for the enemies of the Clan.



Asset of:


  • Samael

CLEA Classification:

  • Half Demon

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Can take on a partial Demon form
  • Prehensile Tail can be used as a weapon
  • Capable of Teleporting
  • Can mirror dark magic back at its user


  • Light Magic harms him
  • Struggles in bright light

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Murder
  • Assault


Samael is a Half Demon, the product of a mixed parentage between a Female Demon in mortal form and a warlock. His father planned of using his sons abilities to boost his own power. However his mother always knew that the Warlock had more personal reasons for having a child. To teach the Warlock that he was not superior to a Demon, she “equipped” Samael with an unusual magic ability so when his father tried to steal power Samael reflected that ability back and killed him.

Tended until his late teens, his mother intended Samael to collect followers for her. What she did not count on was that after forcing him to kill his father, she had only taught him to embrace power, namely his own. Therefore when she tried to use him, he vanquished her.

Though alone, he was arrogant and believed himself superior to ordinary people. He thought he could take what  he wanted, when he wanted and nobody could do anything about it. For three years that worked until every “Good” magic based hero decided to come after him.

Needing allies for mutual support he discovered the Blood Clan and they welcomed him with open arms and gave him a position in the Elite.




Asset of:


  • Hanalep

CLEA Classification:

  • Half Demon/Half Vampire

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • She has the strength and rejuvenation properties of Vampires.
  • She had the Demonic power to teleport and wield dark magic.


  • Light Magic can greatly harm her.
  • Has to consume blood on a regular basis

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Assault
  • Murder


Hanalep is the result of a forbidden liaison between a Vampire and Demon in mortal guise.   Normally Vampires cannot have children but interaction with a  Demon made that possible and produced Hanalep. Whereas Vampires have a human form and Demons can disguise themselves to appear human, she  is permanently stuck with a distinct animal look.

Such was the insult to both Demons and Vampires of having a relationship with each other, that her parents were killed by their respective parents at an early age. She thus had to fend for herself on the streets. Though having no education her demonic part allowed her to learn quickly through observation and her vampire side allowed her to feed.

Homeless made good targets since nobody missed them but she could never hang around too long in any one location. Her looks naturally drew attention and since “mortals” tended to act violently to what they did not understand, despite her impressive power they were very dangerous if they came in numbers.

When she found the Blood Clan, Hanalep was accepted into the Elite and finally had a place where she belonged and no longer needed to actually kill to survive since the members gave her all the nourishment she needs. Of all the Elite, Hanalep is the hardest to anger and will not kill unless provoked. However when it comes to dealing with enemies she will often show the full power of her mixed parentage.

Jaeger Claw


Asset of:


  • Jaeger Claw – Gerald Purcell

CLEA Classification:

  • Werewolf

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • All positive traits associated with Werewolves


  • All negative traits associated with Werewolves

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Assault
  • Murder


Gerald Purcell, adult name Jaeger Claw was once a prominent member of his pack. However he lacked control to keep his animal instincts in check. He wanted so much to go on “wild hunts” that his actions put the rest of the pack’s safety at risk. To survive in modern society Werewolf Packs had adapted and become secretive. They kept stores of blood to prevent the need to hunt.

Some like Gerald though wanted to embrace their wolf side. This led the pack Alpha to expel him. Though he was no longer bound by pack rules and could do as he liked, without others to support him he still he vulnerabilities. This however was addressed when he heard about the Blood Clan. When he joined he became the first Werewolf among the Elite members and not only did he gain people who worshipped him and gave him blood, but in protecting them he could indulge in the pleasures of hunting. Joining the Clan therefore had been a win-win situation for Gerald.

The Count


Asset of:


  • The Count – Cornelius Bucur

CLEA Classification:

  • Vampire

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • All abilities associated with Vampires


  • All negative traits associated with Vampires
  • Considered a renegade by the Vampire Houses

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Assault
  • Kidnapping
  • Murder


Bucur along with the half-demon Tuza, could perhaps be considered the true architects of the Blood Clan after it turned from street gang to a cult.

For a couple of centuries Bucur had been a loyal member of the Myers House until he made the mistake of trying to gain a little more power for himself. Expelled and considered a renegade, agents working for the Vampire House sought to kill him. Without a supply of blood to keep himself alive, killing people at random was a good way to draw attention to himself which was not great but a necessity.

Then two years after being thrown out he came across Tuza, a half-demon with the same needs for him. For a while they worked together, acquiring “food” but they knew it was not a permanent solution. This changed when the pair came across Warren Hayes, an Alpha with a terrible blood lust. Having learned he once ran a street gang this gave Bucur and Tuza an idea.

For a street gang to flourish, that meant there was a lack of interference from the authorities. This meant as well as criminals there would be plenty of victims. The true genius of their plan was not to target people who were so desperate but to actually protect them. In return for their services, all they wanted was some blood. In time the new Blood Clan started to turn into a cult.

Bucur actually based the structure of a simpler  version of the Vampire House. Whereas the Houses had a complex hierarchy with different levels, he envisaged the Blood Clan having an Elite class of members who would act as leaders and the ordinary members who they protected. In the beginning there were jsut three Elite, him, Tuza and Warren.

As one of the Elite he became like a god to the ordinary members, and the were only too willing to “donate” some of their life source to him and the other leaders which means instead of hunting for scraps, his food source actually came to him.

Though still wanted by the Myers House with the other members of the Blood Clan he gained mutual protection and as the only Vampire he has a special status. In terms of protecting his followers he deals with threats to the Clan in cold calculating manner and does not listen to cries of mercy. This is why he is so feared and though his targets are often criminals even they do not deserve their fate.



Asset of:


  • Tuza

CLEA Classification:

  • Half Demon

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Partial transformation into Demonic form
  • Rapid healing
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Immunity to Dark Magic
  • Prehensile Tail can be used as a weapon


  • Uncontrollable Blood Lust

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • Murder
  • Assault


Along with the Count, Tuza could be considered as one of the true architects of the Blood Clan. Born to a Demon mother and abusive father, she has the ability to transform into a partial Demon guise and gain some of the attributes normally associated with beings from the Dark Realm. She also inherited an intense blood lust.

Fear of her father kept that lust under control and to prevent her attacking people at random, as a child he often kept her chained up in the cellar. However when she was thirteen and he tried to beat her after becoming drunk, her demon nature finally took control and she attacked and killed him and then drained his body.

She then fled the house and spent years of the run. Though she did not want to hurt anyone she could not stop herself, the urge to consume blood was too strong. Things changed for her when she encountered the renegade Vampire, Cornelius Bucur. Together they could help each other but it was not a permanent solution to their problems.

However when the found Warren Hayes who also needed blood to survive and discovered that he had once run a street gang, she and Bucur had an idea to resurrect it. Instead of preying on desperate people, the would offer to protect them instead and in return those people would donate blood.

The new Blood Clan quickly became a cult and its members were only too willing to bleed for the Elite. No longer having to try and hunt for food, Tuza could finally stop running. Over time she even started to like her “god like” status amongst the cult members. As she consumed more and more blood her predatory nature started to increase and so having to eradicate enemies of the Clan did not become a chore but a challenge, to hunt live prey. About the only thing that has stopped her from becoming a mass murderer is her human side which tries to prevent her killing her victims but cannot stop her Demon side from leaving them with life changing injuries.

Witches Coalition


Group Identities:

  • Seductress – Alisa Lupei
  • Sanguine Witch – Rihhilt Eckstein
  • Ember Mage – Esther Cheboi
  • Venom Enchantress – Xifeng Hung
  • Death Dealer – Magalie Damis

CLEA Classification:

  • Magic Wielders

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Dark Magic Wielders


  • Can be affected by powerful users of Light Magic

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • N/A


During the early eighteenth century, at the height of persecution of Magic Wielders, to combat the threat Witches and Warlocks decided it was in their best interest to get organised, not only to deal with dangers presented by “normal” mortals but also from Witches who sided with them. To this end the Warlock Council was created. Since Warlocks considered themselves superior the five most powerful from their ranks were chosen to lead the community of Dark Magic wielders.

After over a century had past, Witches soon grew tired of being under the thumb of their male counterparts who ignored they voice and so they broke away and formed a separate governing body of their own which they named the Witches Coalition. Though the Coalition would work with the Council for the greater good their members would never be controlled by it and so in the interests of avoiding unnecessary conflict all Witches would follow the guidance of the Coalition and all Warlocks would come under the control of the Council.

As with the Council, the Witches Coalition also chose to be lead by five of their most powerful members. Ironically whether magic wielders were Witches of Warlocks those that use Dark Magic also had the same flaws which meant just as the Council leaders had to deal with usurpers by making themselves stronger, the Coalition leaders had to do the same. This meant that they, to ended up trying to acquire Magical Artefacts and Totems to boost their power, and again, like the Warlocks the most sought after of these are Avatar Totems.

Currently the Witches Coalition is governed by The Seductress, Sanguine Witch, Ember Mage, Venom Echantress and the Death Dealer.

Whilst four members of the Council are relatively new in terms of the Coalition’s lifetime, the Sanguine Witch has sat on it since the beginning. Extremely powerful, she found a way of replenishing her strength and youth though stealing souls of others. However a White Witch managed to curse he so that now the only way she can retain her immortality is through the drinking of blood, hence her name.

The Seductress, Alisa Lupei got her name after having a relationship with a Demon. Already a powerful witch in her own right, she wanted more power and so killed him and drank his essence and gained his abilities to seduce mortals and get them to do anything she wanted.

The Ember Mage, Esther Cheboi is an African witch who specialises in death and destruction normally through fire. In reducing living beings to ash she can extract their essence and transform it into Dark Magic

The Venom Enchantress has a similar specialist ability to the Seductress, only as well as magic she uses exotic poisons to get people to do her bidding, after which they generally die. Though less powerful than the others she is extremely skilled in mixing combinations of ingredients so what she lacks in outright power, she makes up with by creating spells.

The Death Dealer, Magalie Damis is supremely skilled in Death Magic. As well as being able to kill mortals by simply ripping their souls from their bodies she can also reanimate dead bodies, albeit they lack any will power or intelligence other than what she gives them.

Warlock Council


Group Identities:

  • The Tormentor – Desmond Copeland
  • Soul Bishop – Miguel Rubio
  • Blight Wizard – Clement Beauvais
  • High Warlock – Fabian Vogt
  • Bifrons

CLEA Classification:

  • Magic Wielders

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Dark Magic Specialists (All)
  • Demonic – Bifrons is able to use the Demon ability to teleport


  • Light Magic can limit their power

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:
Due to the use of magic it is hard to prove any crime

  • Kidnapping?
  • Assault?
  • Murder?


The Warlock Council first formed in the early eighteenth century when magic users started to become persecuted. The purpose of the Council was to build some sort of organised resistance to those that hunted them. Since Warlocks considered themselves to superior to witches the Warlock Council presided over all.

Unlike “white” witches and others like them that tried to help people, the Warlock Council acted against those principles as their aggressive ways meant they resorted to the use of Dark Magic. This meant since it formed its members have hunted users of Light Magic. They consider them sympathisers with the mortals that would try to kill them and therefore such magic users are a threat that needs to be eradicated.

Eventually the female follower of Dark Magic would grow tired of been governed by the Council which seemed to ignore their views. Consequently they broke away to form the all female Witches Coalition. Ironically they Witches Coalition kept the same structure as the Warlock Council and would act alongside their counterpart organisation. To avoid conflict both agreed that whilst they would work together they would not interfere in the governing of each other’s members.

From the inception of the Warlock Council they had been led by the five most powerful male “mortal” Dark Magic users. They acted as rulers for all under them. Since Warlock society own sees the strongest, lead then staying on the Council often entails keeping any challengers in check. This has led them to try and collect the most powerful Magic Artefacts and Totems. The ultimate prize for a member of the Council would be to get their hands on an Avatar Totem. Though Avatar Totems tend to have a distinct will of their own, such is the arrogance of the Warlock Council that they believe they can bend that will to their own ends.

Currently the five members of the latest Warlock Council are The Tormentor, Soul Bishop, Blight Wizard, High Warlock and Bifrons. All are powerful masters of Dark Magic but each has a particular skill set and the the combination of which makes them all the more powerful as a group.

The Tormentor, Desmond Copeland gained his name due his means to increase his power through inducing pain and suffering in others. This ability allows him to also cause pain and suffering in users of magic. Often able to break through and protection spells, he uses this to extract information from enemies of himself and the Council.

The Soul Bishop, Miguel Rubio was once destined to become a true priest until a personal tragedy allowed him to become seduced by Dark Magic. In wanting to become reunited with his brother, he turned to magic when his faith failed him. After mastering its usage, his mind was so obsessed with power that he forgot the reason he had started on he path. Able to actually pull souls from the spirit realm and even the Dark Realm he can insert them into the body of a living person and get them to do his bidding. He can also extract the soul of a living person and gain magical power and longevity out of it.

The Blight Wizard, Clement Beauvais is a sorcerer who specialises in extracting energy from the environment. Normally living things are his favourite choice but he can use his power on most objects. When pulling such energy his dark magic power increases whilst at the same time whatever he is using a source starts to decay and fall apart.

Fabian Vogt has earned himself the title of High Warlock. He is the most powerful of all Warlocks who have magical abilities across a wide variety of disciplines. Though the others on the Council could defeat him with their specialist skills, his overall mastery of all Dark Magic will often allow him to find a weakness and exploit it. He is thus an all rounder and very useful since he can protect the “blind spots” of the other Council Members.

Unlike the others who are “mortals”, Bifrons is the child of a Demon father and mortal mother. Though considered a mortal he has certain demonic abilities, the most useful of these his ability to teleport to different locations. As well as this he can recover from wounds at an accelerated rate by stealing soul energy from another mortal and also has high command of fire based magic.

Slalom and Half-pipe



Team Identities:

  • Slalom – Gillian Cudmore
  • Half-pipe – Ryan Cudmore

CLEA Classification:

  • Totem Bearer

Special Skills and/or Abilities:

  • Both – Gillian and Ryan have identical Totems which gives them the ability to “construct” item out of ice as well as skim across ice and snow surfaces at speed (and can even travel uphill, albeit this has to be done carefully to avoid digging in)
  • Ryan is a skilled snowboarder
  • Gillian is a skilled skier


  • Totems are Light Magic based and can be defeated by Dark Magic

Rap Sheet/Criminal Traits:

  • N/A


Growing up whilst your parents run a ski resort in Canada might have seemed a really good thing for Gillian and Ryan. Though half the year they attended boarding school and were away from home, the rest of the year they got the chance to get on the slopes starting at an early age.

What the pair of them though did not know is that as well as running the resort their parents also did another job, one of which only a few select people knew of in the surrounding area. They protected the valley from dangerous intruders. Some like the Quarrud-Xaiqrons came from outer space whilst others, the Icen came from a different dimension. Holiday makers to the area were kept in the dark from such dangers, as were Gillian and Ryan. Since there was as much chance of getting caught in an avalanche as encountering either the Quarrud-Xaiqrons or Icen then it was a calculated choice, especially as any attacks only generally occurred in the off season when there were not many visitors and Gillian and Ryan were at school.

After the had finished school, their parents knew that keeping their secret would be all the more harder. The one thing in their favour that helped was the fact that the area could go for a period of several years between attacks and so they used that time to maintain the illusion that everything was ordinary.

The truth though was finally revealed when Gillian was 22 and Ryan was 24. This was when the parents went out in the middle of the night and vanished. The resort’s caretaker Felix Lapointe went out the next day and could not find them. He could however find something that belonged to them.

Eva and Martin always knew what could happen and so had charged Felix with bringing their children up to speed in the event of tragedy. Though they were still grieving over their loss, Felix knew he could not wait and brought the pair to hidden room under the lodge. One inside, he asked Ryan to play and video and on the TV his father appeared on a recording that had been done in the very same room.

Martin first of all apologised for not being around. He then told them that the area they were living in was on occasion targeted by an alien race known as the Quarrud-Xaiqrons and also a group of dimensional travellers known as the Icen. Both he stated had one goal and that was to take human captives to be used as slaves. Martin presumed if they were watching the recording either group had taken him and his mother.

He then explained how and when the Icen appeared and mentioned that in the past the people Felix belonged to had fought the Icen but in the eighteenth century members of the Cudmore family had managed to attack and kill a pair of Icen and take artefacts known as Power Stones from them that gave the magical abilities. Since that time the family legacy was to use the stones to protect the people in the region. With him and Eva gone, that meant it was Ryan and Gillian’s turn.

After the video had ended, Felix handed over the Power Stones he had recovered and handed them over. When Gillian asked what their father meant when they referred to Felix’s “people”, he showed them, by transforming into a Yeti. Felix stated he would be there for them as long as they needed but it was better that as few people knew about him and the Power Stones.

Now left to running the resort and inheriting the mantle of protecting the reason, the young pair managed to take the pressure quite well. They practised with the Power Stones at every opportunity which was tricky as they had to hide what the were doing from the resort staff. As well as learning about the Stones, Felix taught them all about the two enemies they would try to be stopping.

The first one to show up was the Quarrud-Xaiqrons. Since it was their first encounter with an “enemy” Felix chose to take off the pressure of Gillian and Ryan by dealing with the threat on his own. However a holidaymaker saw him in his Yeti form and that led to Gaia coming to look for a “monster”. When the team of oddities learned the true nature of the threat they agreed to help Felix deal with the Blue Aliens. Not wanting to leave them out and thinking that it was best to really open their eyes, he got Gillian and Ryan to meet with the new arrivals. The sight of them was quite a shock but they soon got over that when they realised that the strange team of “monsters” was here to help.

Together the combined forces send the Quarrud-Xaiqrons packing. It was then that Gaia asked Felix to join them. He did not want to leave Gillian and Ryan but they thought they were ready to handle whatever threat came their way and so they suggested to Felix that if he thought he would be of greater use to be with Gaia he should go with them. The choice was all the more easy when Felix was told that they could return any time a threat arrived in the area, so he would not be going for good.

With Felix gone, Gillian and Ryan were on their own for the first time. When the Icen showed up they did quite well on handling the situation at first but then when the problem got too much to handle they called in Gaia.

As well as dealing with the Quarrud-Xaiqrons and the Icen, the pair use their Power Stones for other uses, mainly rescuing people in trouble but sometimes to deal with new threats. As part of the hero community they ended up giving themselves aliases. Since Gillian was skilled on skis, she took the name “Slalom” and as Ryan was skilled on a Snowboard he became “Half-Pipe”.



Race Identity:

  • Icen

Known Individuals

  • Boreas (male Icen)
  • Skadi (female Icen)
  • Khione (female human overseer)


  • Icen – Taller than humans, blue skin coloration, pointed ears, twin horns, bald. They also appear to wear armour.
  • (Overseer) same as human female approx 25-30 years of age, white hair, blue skin


  • Physically stronger than humans
  • Icen each possess some sort of crystal or “Power Stone” and allows them to use a form of magic. With that magic they can open doorways from their realm to others. They can also build constructs out of ice. As well as this they are capable of “extracting” the soul of a living person and place it in a construct to produce an “ice  warrior” .
  • The Overseer also is in possession of a Power Stone but the power is limited to creating small constructs and freezing humans.

Interaction with Humans and Other Races:

  • Little is known of their full extent of interaction with species of other worlds, if any. So much remains a mystery. However their interaction with our world appears to focus on taking humans to be used as slaves.


  • Unknown. However since the same individuals appear to be the only visitors, speculation is that each group of Icen operate regard particular realms as “their” territory.


In many respects the Icen can be considered the same as the Quarrud-Xaiqrons in that their interest in our world is in the interest of collecting humans to be used as slaves. However whereas the Quarrud-Xaiqrons are aliens and come from our galaxy and use technology to accomplish their goals, the Icen come from an alternative reality and use a form of magic to achieve their goals.

As with a lot of magic entities it has been hard for CLEA to establish true facts and much information comes from legends and stories passed down through generations of family members. to make things harder the Icen only appear to have interacted with isolated Inuit tribes in the Arctic circle and a small area in Northern Canada.

From what we know, the Icen have been visiting our world for many centuries. According to Inuit stories they a period of high intensity Aurora Borealis marks their arrival. When they do arrive they create an ice fortress which serves as their base and prison. They also always appear around the same time each year and can only stay on our world for a short period of time, just over a week. Their actual location of the fortress appears to shift at random for each visit. but generally remain in the same large geographical area. The exception to this is the appearances of the fortress close to the same Canadian valley.

Scientific deduction speculates that the magical “bridge” the Icen creates can only link between realities at a specific time each year and at best guess the location moves because the bridge uses “weak” spots in the barriers that separate realities. Once here it then appears the bridge cannot be held open and another set of ideal conditions needs to present itself in order for the Icen to travel back to their reality. This theory is supported by the fact they need a place to “store” their captives.

Inuit legends refer to visitations of four Icen on each occasion until the eighteenth century when only two appeared regularly. This is corroborated in Canadian folk stories which record a tale of two  human champions who  succeeded in killing  two of the Icen and taking their “power stones”.

For a long time the pattern of events was similar. The Icen would arrive and build their fortress. Then they would begin collecting humans, who would immediately get converted into Ice Warriors. Once a small army was done there would be no need for the Icen to leave their fortress and the army would then proceed to collect captives to be taken alive.

In the beginning the Inuit would fight back by any means possible. Though killing the Ice Warriors was akin to killing their own people, they recognised the fact that the enemy they were fighting was “dead” already. If the losses of the Army become too great then the Icen would simply convert move.

In  the Canadian valley the process was almost identical. However for a long time the Ice Army was challenged by tribes of Yetis who would work with locals to defeat the invaders. These Yetis are assumed to be Animal Hybrids “created” from the first Eopua Comet test strike. This would explain why they were few in number and as the centuries past the Yeti’s were reduced to nothing and currently only a single one is known, and now currently with Gaia. He had dealt with the Icen and visits from the Quarrud-Xaiqrons in the same small reason  but chosen to hand over the job of protecting the area to a pair of humans instead.

Since opposing the Ice Army is futile it is believed this was the reason they indoctrinated a human to act as an Overseer for them.  As the Icen do not communicate with humans verbally, it is assumed that they decided that to cut down on the hopeless sacrifices of potential workers they felt there was a need to have a human represent them. The job of the Overseer is therefore to explain the futility of their resistance. Since the Overseer does not appear to age it is assumed that she is either kept in stasis on the world the Icen come from or is kept young by being in possession of a Power Stone. Clearly her skin complexion indicates that she has been “altered” genetically or magically, or both.

Whether it is down to “brainwashing” by the Icen or she simply likes the power she has been given, Khione appears to like her role so much that Boreas and Skadi do not have to do much after initial preparations have been made. Despite being human, Khione seems to enjoy commanding the Ice Army and being cruel to captives who try to rebel.

The Icen would not doubt have had a very much easier task if is not for the fact that in the Inuit areas the people have used magic to make the own champions and in the Canadian valley two champions in possession of the captured Icen Power Stones are using their own power against them.